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Brooklyn, NY
New York, NY
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The Immigration and Legal Program helps immigrants from Poland and Eastern European countries adapt to new living conditions. It provides professional legal advice on immigration matters and helps regulate legal residence. Prepares for the citizenship exam. All matters are dealt with by prior arrangement by phone.
The Senior Club "Krakus" provides high-quality services for older people in New York City. The program is funded by the NYC Department for the Aging. One of the most essential services offered by the program is the provision of meals for the disabled and needy, which is provided to approximately 320 people a day. In addition, the Senior Club "Krakus" offers numerous ways to spend free time with the oldest, including computer classes, English lessons, fitness, various trips, lectures, and much more.
Senior Club Jana Pawła II, based in Manhattan, has been operating continuously since 1996. In this extremely demanding time, we still offer a wide range of services by phone and the Internet. We invite you to use social services such as SNAP, SCRIE, SSI, and others. By offering a wide range of "virtual meetings," such as nutrition classes, discussion clubs, and virtual exercises, we help fight loneliness and isolation.
The Senior Social Services Program has provided services to low-income older people for 25 years. The program covers a wide range of social services, from housing issues to health services to informing and explaining new social regulations. All matters are dealt with by prior arrangement by phone.
CP-S English Language Courses offers English language courses at various levels. Classes are held at various convenient times and are also available online.
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