01. About us
POLONIJNA KSIĄŻKA - Directory of Companies on the Internet - is the most comprehensive source of business information for the Polish-Slavic community in the US in Polish, English, and Ukrainian. In addition to digital, the directory is also published in print form. The service is part of the POLISH PAGES MEDIA NETWORK.
The strength of New York and the surrounding states is their multicultural population. A large representation of it is made up of people of Polish descent, known for their tremendous work ethic, which contributes to the success of our ethnic group. The thriving Polish community in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut has been served for 25 years by the Polish Pages Media Network's information resources, serving its cultural, social, and business interests.
POLONIA ONLINE BOOK is an integral part of the communication network for Polish Americans in the United States, containing helpful information about life, work, and education in the United States.
Our one-of-a-kind media includes valuable data on city, state, and federal government offices, information on churches, organizations, and Polish-American businesses. By providing easy access to critical information in print and online, we serve as a valuable tool for residents, businesses, and students of Polish descent living in the tri-state area and throughout the US.
We provide a valuable information service to the MILLIONS of Poles and Slavs in America who want to stay informed, thus impacting the big and small issues of these communities.
Polish Pages Media Network and its growing number of users will soon celebrate its 25th anniversary. To all who have contributed to our success, we thank you and invite you to continue working with us.
We wish the entire Polish community successes and invite you to cooperation!
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