
A Webinar, "Lemkin, Genocide and the Modern World", March 14th

Marek Skulimowski - The Kosciuszko Foundation I Polish American Organizations
March 14, 2023

Reminder: A webinar, "Lemkin, Genocide and the Modern World," is March 14th, starting at Noon ET/ 17:00 (Warsaw time).

A Webinar, "Lemkin, Genocide and the Modern World", March 14th

Rafael Lemkin was a Polish Jewish lawyer best known for coining the term "genocide" and a key person behind the creation of the UN Genocide Convention. For that work, he was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
The seminar, featuring a lineup of distinguished scholars and legal professionals, including Ambassador Stephen Rapp, the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice as the keynote speaker, will discuss Lemkin's ideas and their applicability to current events in Ukraine and beyond.
The webinar is presented jointly by the KF and the Jagiellonian Law Society.


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Polish-American Organizations

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