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Santa Fe, NM
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I am an experienced real estate agent with Santa Fe Properties in Santa Fe, NM, and surrounding areas, offering professional real estate services to home buyers and sellers.
Ivona Borisenko - Your New Mexico real estate agent
Born and raised in Białystok. A graduate of the University of Warsaw and Hunter College in New York. Former environmental journalist and production coordinator at the BBC.
Ivona was a New Yorker from 1998 to 2011. Santa Fe had been very good to her; there she met her husband, bought a house and today helps others make Santa Fe their home.
He has a deep appreciation and admiration for the land and the local farming community. Thanks to this, Ivona understands long-term planning
and commitment to achieving goals.
It offers a patient approach to wise investments. He believes in honest work, service and integrity. In his free time he learns languages and travels.
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