
Piast Meats & Provisions: It's Time for Oktoberfest!

Piast Meats and Provisions I Shopping, Distributors
October 05, 2022

The weather is getting chilly and that means it's time for Oktoberfest!

Piast Meats & Provisions: It's Time for Oktoberfest!

We've got specials on all sorts of homemade meats made in the Bavarian tradition:

  • Our traditional pork & veal Frankfurters taste delicious either boiled or grilled.
  • Our hearty homemade Liverwurst deserves to be spread thick on any of our homemade breads.
  • Nothing beats thin, freshly sliced Bologna for a cozy fall sandwich.
  • Finally we have a special on imported Gouda yellow cheese.


Piast Meats and Provisions

Deli, Groceries

800 River Drive
Garfield, NJ
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