
Easter Market in Garfield, NJ. An Annual Easter Tradition!

Piast Meats and Provisions I Shopping, Distributors
April 08, 2022

Don't miss our annual Easter Market tomorrow April 9th in front of the 800 River Dr. location.

Easter Market in Garfield, NJ. An Annual Easter Tradition!

We’ll have a charming outdoor display of beautiful handmade wicker baskets, sugar lambs, wooden eggs (pisanki), tablecloths, linens, palms, and other accessories for a traditional Polish Easter. This will be in Garfield in front of our 800 River Dr. location from 10am to 5pm.

Easter Hours

We will be open normally during Easter week. For your convenience, our 800 River Dr.location will also be open on Palm Sunday, April 10. We will be closed on Easter Sunday and Monday.

Piast Meats and Provisions

Deli, Groceries

800 River Drive
Garfield, NJ
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