
PSFCU Scholarship Under the Patronage of President of Poland

Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union I Finances
February 26, 2024

Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 PSFCU Scholarship under the Patronage of President of Poland.

PSFCU Scholarship Under the Patronage of President of Poland
Foto: PSFCU / Maciej Biedrzycki / KPRP

Presidential Scholarship

The program is organized in a partnership with the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland. This scholarship involves a short summer internship in Poland under the patronage of the President of Poland. The internship will be a combination of political, economic, and cultural exchange as well as sightseeing. It includes visits to leading Polish and multinational firms located in Poland and meetings with Polish government officials and business leaders.

PSFCU will cover all costs of transportation to and health insurance in Poland for all recipients, up to $2000. The cost of all accommodations and activities while in Poland will be included as part of the scholarship under the patronage of the President of Poland.

Applications are open from February 23, 2024 - March 8, 2024.

For more Information and details visit: Presidential Scholarship - PSFCU

Polish & Slavic FCU, PSFCU

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