Piast Institute Launches 2020 Polish Americans Study
Piast Institute - A National Institute for Polish and Polish American Affairs I
Polish American Organizations
October 20, 2020
The Piast Institute along with Dr. Dominik Stecuła of Colorado State University announce the initiation of the second volume of its Polish Americans Today Survey. The Piast Institute is a nationally recognized think tank focusing on Polish and Polish American affairs as well as being the only Census Information Center (CIC) in the state of Michigan.
This survey is the second edition of our Polish Americans Today Survey, which collects the demographic, social, economic and political positions and information of America’s Polonia. Under the direction of the late Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski, President Emeritus, and Dominik Stecuła, the first batch of results was published in 2010 as a book, freely available on its website (www.PiastInstitute.org), from the Piast Institute.
The book has gone through several printings and has been popular in both the United States and Poland. But despite the success of previous data gathering efforts, we still need data to know more about our Polish American community. This is why we will be conducting another survey this year, in 2020. This survey by Piast Institute under the direction of Virginia Skrzyniarz, CEO of Piast and Dr. Dominik Stecuła, will continue to provide us with answers about Polonia. We hope that the current survey will lead the release of an updated volume, which will continue to be relevant to countless researchers, scholars, community organizations, and others interested in Polonia.
“The value of this work is not purely academic, but it has implications for our understanding of who we are as a community and where we are headed.” said Dr. Dominik Stecuła.
This survey can be easily accessed by following this link: www.polishamericanstudy.com. The survey is completely anonymous and you can decline to answer any question that you do not want to answer by skipping it. The information you give will be kept confidential and will not be linked to you in any way. This survey is only available in English.
If you have any questions, please contact the Piast Institute at: info@piastinstitute.org or call 313.733.4535. You can also send an email regarding questions on the survey to: dominik.stecula@colostate.edu.Thank you for serving the Polish American community and voluntarily participating in this important survey by the Piast Institute.
A National Institute for Polish
and Polish American Affairs
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Piast Institute, A National Institute for Polish and Polish American Affairs
Polish-American Organizations
Hamtramck, MI
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