
Dr. Nasiek Hosts Successful Seminar On Traumatic Brain Injury Presented by Dr. Nilay Shah, Expert Neurologist

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
January 15, 2023

On Thursday, January 12th, Dr. Dariusz Nasiek held a successful seminar at The Royal Warsaw restaurant. The seminar discussed the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and was presented by Dr. Nilay Shah, expert neurologist.

Dr. Nasiek Hosts Successful Seminar On Traumatic Brain Injury Presented by Dr. Nilay Shah, Expert Neurologist
Dr Niley Shah, expert neurologist - traumatic brain injury TBI with Dr Nasiek

The seminar was attended by over 80 professionals, who all greatly appreciated the event.

The event was made possible by sponsors: Paramus Medical Imaging & Hudson Regional Hospital, which were represented by their respective experts, Radiologist, Dr. John Athas and Susan Ruiz. Dr. Nasiek is greatly appreciative of their help in making this event such a success.

Dr. Nasiek would like to extend a special thank you Paramus Medical Imaging and Hudson Regional Hospital.

Due to the great demand, this evenings seminar was overbooked. The Royal Warsaw restaurant did its best and was able to accommodate all of our guests.

We invite everyone interested to attend our next seminar February, 9th 2023 @ 7pm. We will repeat the same topic "Diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI" with Dr. Nilay Shah, MD expert neurologist.


Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

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