
The United Poles FCU Board of Directors - Call for Nominations

United Poles Federal Credit Union I Finances
October 29, 2019

Celebrating 55 years of service

It is time, once again, to elect those who will represent the best interests of our membership as members of the United Poles FCU Board of Directors.

Our annual meeting will be held in April, 2020. Pursuant to Article V of our Bylaws, we are issuing this call for nominations. The Board of Directors have the general direction and control of the affairs of the Credit Union. They operate with the best interests of our members and community in mind. You too could play an integral role in shaping the future direction of this progressive, dynamic and caring organization.

Anyone meeting the eligibility requirements (person who is 18 years of age or older and a member of United Poles FCU (before distribution of ballots), unless he or she:

1) is an employee of United Poles FCU; or

2) was convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust) may run for a seat on the Board of Directors if properly nominated.

In addition to the eligibility requirements the Board of Directors has also established criteria for the Nominating Committee to follow in making its nominations. “Board of Directors Candidate profile” form can be obtained at any of our offices. All signed candidate profiles must be received by the Credit Union office no later than October 31, 2019 (mailed or dropped off at one of the Credit Union offices).

The mailing address is:

The United Poles FCU

412 New Brunswick Avenue

Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

ATTN: Nominations.

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United Poles Federal Credit Union

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Perth Amboy, NJ
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