
Professor Ralph Jozefowicz - New Member of Medicus Society!

Medicus - Polish-American Medical Society I Polonijne, polskie instytucje
20 kwietnia, 2018

Biographical Sketch Ralph F. Józefowicz, MD

Ralph F. Józefowicz, MD received his BA degree in Biology, with honors from the Johns Hopkins University in 1975 and his MD degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1979. A member of both Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha, he completed residencies in Internal Medicine and in Neurology, as well as a fellowship in Neuromuscular Diseases at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York.

He is presently Professor of Neurology and Medicine and Associate Chair for Education in the Department of Neurology at the University of Rochester, and serves as director for the second year medical student “Mind, Brain and Behavior” course and the third year Neurology Clerkship. He is also the Neurology Residency Program Director at the University of Rochester.

His many teaching accomplishments include:

  • the Fullbright Scholar Award for Lecturing in Neural Sciences, Neuromuscular Diseases and Clinical Neurology from the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Krakow, Poland in 1993;
  • the Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education from the Alumni Association of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1998;
  • the Distinguished Teacher Award from the American Neurological Association in 1998;
  • the Robert J. Glaser Alpha Omega Alpha Distinguished Teacher Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges in 2002;
  • the A. B. Baker Lifetime Achievement Award for Neurologic Education from the American Academy of Neurology in 2010;
  • the Edithe J. Levit Distinguished Service Award from the National Board of Medical examiners in 2011;
  • the Merentibus Medal “for great services rendered to the Jagiellonian University” in 2014;
  • the Chair’s award from the American Brain Foundation in 2015; and the President’s Award from the American Academy of Neurology in 2016.

In 2003 he was made an Honorary Professor at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, one of the oldest Universities in Europe. Dr. Józefowicz has held numerous leadership positions in national medical societies and has served on the boards of directors of the National Board of Medical Examiners, the American Academy of Neurology and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He currently serves as Treasurer of the American Brain Foundation, Chair of the United Council of Neurologic Subspecialties, and Chair of the Joint Investment Committee of the American Academy of Neurology.

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