Holiday Christmas of Medicus in NY
Medicus - Polish-American Medical Society I
Polonijne, polskie instytucje
10 grudnia, 2015
On December 5th, 2015 Medicus Polish-American Medical Society hosted its annual Holiday Christmas dinner at the Polish Consulate in New York City.
The party was a great success for all the 150 doctors and friends that attended.
Dariusz Konopka, president of Medicus started the meeting and greeted distinguished guests General Consul Urszula Gacek, Consul, and Head of the Trade and Investment Section Sabina Klimek and father Jacek Wozny and all participants.
We had few attractions. Violinist Sebastian Stopka was playing and singing carols. There were short concerts preformed by pianist Yoonie Han and violinist Virgil Boutellis Taft, pianist Wojciech Trocewicz .Mirage band played favorite Christmas songs and others.
The atmosphere during the celebration was festive; the guests enjoyed each other's company, while singing carols, socializing, and dancing.
We thank all for coming and wish everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Medicus, Stowarzyszenie Lekarzy Polonijnych USA
Polonijne organizacje
New York, NY
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