Medicus: Zebranie Sprawozdawczo-Wyborcze Kwiecień 2020
Medicus - Polish-American Medical Society I
Polonijne, polskie instytucje
04 lutego, 2020
W trakcie zebrania zostaną przeprowadzone wybory do zarządu towarzystwa na okres: Kwiecień 2020 - Kwiecień 2022.
Zebranie Sprawozdawczo-Wyborcze Kwiecień 2020 Towarzystwa MEDICUS
Do wyborów przystąpią członkowie obecnego zarządu towarzystwa:
- Dr. Tadeusz Pyz, MD - prezes
- Dr. Michał Kulon, MD - wice-prezes
- Dr. Anna Pyz, DDS - skarbnik
- Dr. Dariusz Nowak, MD - sekretarz
- Dr. Jolanta Sykora-Sygnarowicz, DDS - członek zarządu
Proszę o zgłaszanie swoich kandydatur do wyborów na adres:
Przypominam, że od dnia 04/28/2019 obowiązuje nowy statut towarzystwa. Dokument ten jest dostępny na stronie internetowej
Opłaty członkowskie należy dokonywać przez portal na stronie internetowej towarzystwa w wysokości USD 100.00 – dla członków aktywnych.
Opłata składek czekiem i wysyłka pocztą na adres:
Dr. Anna Pyz, DDS
310 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10016
Proszę o zwrócenie uwagi na artykuły 3.4 i 11.2 i o dokonanie opłat członkowskich do dnia 02/29/2020. Termin upływa o północy dnia 02/29/2020.
Opłaty dokonane przed tym terminem uprawniają do oddania głosu w wyborach do zarządu towarzystwa.
- 3.4 Voting Rights. The voting rights are restricted exclusively to the Active Members of the Society. The right of Active member to vote shall cease upon failure to pay membership dues, as stated in 11.2 for the current fiscal year.
- 11.2 Payment of dues. Dues shall be payable in advance from January 1 with a grace period till February 28 of each fiscal year to maintain Active membership for current fiscal year. A new member must pay his/hers membership dues at the time of application
Nowy statut zezwala aktywnym członkom towarzystwa na głosowanie bez wymogu obecności na zebraniu poprzez dokument proxy wraz z usunięciem ograniczenia wymogu prezentacji tylko jednego dokumentu proxy na jednego akywnego członka towarzystwa obecnego na zebraniu. Wymogiem udziału w głosowaniu jest opłacenie składek do dnia -2/29/2020 (przed połnocą) i odesłanie dokumentu proxy do sekretarza towarzystwa na adres:
- 4.5 Quorum. …Proxy letter is a document prepared by Board of Directors and distributed by Society Secretary to Active Members. Proxy letter is to list items that are to be voted on, during meeting along with voting: YES or NO for each item respectively.
Lista kandydatów do zarządu, na których bedziemy głosować będzie jedną z cześci dokumentu proxy, bedą też w nim umieszczone propozycje które chcecie poddać pod głosowanie w trakcie zebrania. Zgłoszenia kandydatur i propozycji pod głosowanie należy przesyłać na adres sekretarza towarzystwa:
Proszę o zapoznanie się z poniższym tekstem regulującym przebieg spotkania Sprawozdawczo-wyborczego w Kwietniu 2020. Pełny tekst statutu towarzystwa na stronie
- 4.1 Annual Meeting. Annual meeting of members shall be held during the month of March or April each year at a place and time to be determined by the Board of Directors, either within or without the State of New York.
- 4.2 Special Meetings of members may be called at any time by the Secretary of the Society, upon affirmative vote of three/fifths Board of Directors and/or 51%of active members.
- 4.3 Place of Meeting. The Board of Directors may designate any place in the tri-state metropolitan area, within the 50 mile radius from New York City, as the place of meeting for any annual or special meeting of the members.
- 4.4 Notice of Meeting. Notice of the time, place and purpose of any meeting of the members annual or special, shall be send by e-mail to all members as it appears in the books of the Society. The notice shall be e-mailed not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting.
- 4.5 Quorum. A quorum at any meeting of members shall consist of 20 per cent of the total Active members. Attendance of Active members by proxy in writing is permitted. Proxy letters are to be prepared and e-mailed to all Active members by Board of Directors – Secretary minimum 20 days prior meeting date. Proxy letters are to be e-mailed back to Board of Directors Secretary no later than 7 day prior meeting date. The members present at a duly organized meeting can continue to do business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough members to leave less than a quorum. If a meeting can not be organized because a quorum has not attended, those present may adjourn the meeting to such time and place as they may determine, not earlier however than twenty (20) days from the date of the first meeting. New notices shall be e-mailed to all Active members not less than seven (7) days before the date of the next meeting. Proxy letter is a document prepared by Board of Directors and distributed by Society Secretary to Active Members. Proxy letter is to list items that are to be voted on, during meeting along with voting: YES or NO for each item respectively.
- 4.6 Voting List. To qualify as a candidate for election to the Board of Directors, a member must have been an active member of the organization for a minimal of six (6) months. The officer in charge of Active MEDICUS members, shall make and certify at least seven (7) days before each meeting of members, a complete list of members entitled to vote at the meeting. The list shall be subject to inspection by any member and shall be produced and kept open at the time and place of the meeting. Any Active member that did not pay his dues, less then7 days (168 hrs) prior to scheduled elections will not be allowed to cast a vote at that election.
- 4.7 Nomination of Directors. Nominations of Active members for election to the office of director at an annual and special meeting of members, shall be made by the Board of Directors. Nominations may also be made by any person entitled to vote in the election of directors to Board of Directors Secretary no later than 10 days before election meeting. Nominee has to be involved in: teaching at academic level or practicing healing arts or engaged in the scientific medical research. Nominees shall have a common Polish cultural heritage. Nominees for a Board of Directors must possess valid medical, dental or pharmaceutical United Stated license.
- 4.8 Election by Ballot. The election of directors shall be by a closed ballot upon demand, before the voting begins, by a member entitled to vote at such election. Unless so demanded, voting need not be by ballot.
- 4.9 Inspectors of Election. In advance of any meeting of members, the Board of Directors may appoint Inspectors of Election, who need not be members. The number of Inspectors should be two or three. The Inspectors of Election shall determine the number of members, the existence of a quorum and the authenticity, validity and the effect of proxies; hear and determine all challenges and questions arising in connection with the right to vote; receive, count and tabulate all votes or ballots and determine the result. The Inspectors shall prepare a report with the results of election at the time of meeting
Z poważaniem,
Dariusz Nowak - sekretarz
W sprawie najbardziej aktualnych informacji prosimy kontaktować się bezpośrednio z firmą.Zdjęcia zawarte w artykule służą jedynie jako ilustracja artykułu.
Medicus, Stowarzyszenie Lekarzy Polonijnych USA
Polonijne organizacje
New York, NY
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