
Give A Child A Smile for The Holidays!

Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union I Finances
December 16, 2022

As of December 15th, we have raised $83,116. Let's keep it going!

Give A Child A Smile for The Holidays!

PSFCU is raising funds for its 9th annual Children's Holiday Smile fundraiser (2022) alongside The Children's Holiday Smile Foundation. Our collective donations will benefit underprivileged children in the U.S and hospices for children in Poland. Every donation no matter the amount will make a positive impact for children in need of joy during this holiday season. For more info, please visit the banner on our homepage to view the comprehensive donation flyer or visit your local PSFCU branch to make a donation in person.

God Bless and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas. 

Polish & Slavic FCU, PSFCU

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