
Expert Medical Insights Educate the Legal Community on Traumatic Brain Injury, Courtesy of North Hudson Lawyers’ Club

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
November 24, 2023

The North Hudson Lawyers’ Club recently organized an informative event at Meson Español Restaurant in West New York, NJ, featuring Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice experts. On November 21, 2023, Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, MD, Dr. Niley Shah, MD, and Dr. Ravi Tikoo, MD, led a critical presentation titled "The Long-lasting Implications of Traumatic Brain Injury: An Exploration into Dementia Risks and Life Expectancy Deterioration." The presentation focused on providing groundbreaking insights into the complex world of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs). The event was enlightening and offered vital information on the risks and effects of TBIs.

Expert Medical Insights Educate the Legal Community on Traumatic Brain Injury, Courtesy of North Hudson Lawyers’ Club

The presentation addressed the prevalence of TBI, affecting approximately 1.4 million Americans annually, with a notable incidence among military personnel. The experts underscored the heightened risk of dementia in TBI patients, revealing that individuals with mild TBI face a 2.4 times higher risk, while those with moderate-to-severe TBI face a 3.8 times higher risk. This alarming data underlines the long-term cognitive consequences of TBIs. This is a 240-380% increased risk of dementia following TBI.

A concerning revelation was the decrease in life expectancy by an average of 9 years in patients with moderate-to-severe TBI.

The presentation emphasized the chronic nature of severe TBI, highlighting the importance of long-term care.

Innovative diagnostic tools like EEG and Video EEG were also discussed, demonstrating their superiority over traditional MRI in real-time brain function monitoring. These tools are crucial in identifying neurological issues post-TBI, especially in patients with a "normal" neurologic exam.

This event has successfully shed light on the complexities of TBI, emphasizing the need for accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and understanding of its long-term legal and health implications.

The event, which is valuable for legal professionals handling personal injury cases and medical malpractice claims, highlighted the intersections of law, medicine, and patient advocacy. Attendees also had the opportunity to network and discuss with the speakers.

About Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice:

Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice, a Center of Excellence in Neurology and Pain Management, leads in treating TBI and is at the forefront of research and education in neurological conditions and pain management techniques. Visit for more information.

About North Hudson Lawyers Club:

The North Hudson Lawyers Club fosters education, ethics, and camaraderie in the legal community. The club regularly hosts events contributing to the development and enrichment of its members.


Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

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