
Dr. Nasiek's  Medico-Legal Seminar: Covid-19 & Post Traumatic Pelvic Pain

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
October 25, 2021

On Thursday October 21st 2021, Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice held another great medico-legal seminar at The Royal Warsaw in Elmwood Park, New Jersey. It was attended by over 30 professionals.

Dr. Nasiek's  Medico-Legal Seminar: Covid-19 & Post Traumatic Pelvic Pain

Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, Pain Management Specialist, and Dr. Ravi Tikoo MD, Board Certified Neurologist, invited a group of doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical technology industry representatives for an educational evening at The Royal Warsaw. Dr. Dariusz Nasiek spoke about COVID-19 and Dr. Tikoo discussed the importance of evaluating concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) and post-concussion syndrome. Special guest speaker Bella Kavalerchik, PT spoke about post traumatic pelvic issues and pelvic pain.

Dr. Nasiek’s presentation on COVID-19 focused on the importance of seeking medical care early on. After explaining the differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic illness, Dr. Nasiek presented an algorithm outlining what to do when one has a confirmed COVID or COVID-like illness. The algorithm explains when to seek treatment, when to wait watchfully, and when to discontinue home isolation. Dr. Nasiek went on to speak about the drug regime a symptomatic person should be taking and what do to if a person has underlying serious medical conditions, then presented samples of the recommended supplements to be taken prophylactically or as soon as symptoms present – a set he called the Neutraceutical bundle. Dr. Nasiek’s final message to take home was that by starting actual pre-hospital treatment, rather waiting and doing nothing (therapeutic nihilism), the patient has a 75-85% reduction in possible hospitalization or worse. The presentation was well received and was followed by multiple questions.

After Dr. Nasiek’s presentation, Bella Kavalerchik, PT spoke about post traumatic pelvic issues, outlining the signs and symptoms of pelvic dysfunction following trauma. She generally treats many patients who suffer for years because they do not know treatment was available to them. Mrs. Kavalerchik indicated that pelvic pain often remains underdiagnosed and undertreatment because of lack of proper diagnosis due to the topic being taboo and no specialty being responsible for proper diagnosis.

Kavalerchik indicated that there are many types of injuries which present with pelvic pain and dysfunctions. These include: bone injuries, joint and muscular problems, lower lumbar nerve radiculopathy, pudental nerve neuralgias, post surgical scars and adhesions, and inguinal hernias, amongst many others. Kavalerchik went on to speak about post traumatic urological issues, reproductive problems, and gastrointestinal issues that are all amenable to physical therapy and manual manipulations. She discussed the techniques of join and soft tissue mobilization, visceral mobilization for abdominal and pelvic floor organs, muscles and ligaments relaxation and strengthening exercises, breathing exercises, and other PT techniques to help with the pain.

Kavalerchik’s presentation was followed by discussion and multiple questions both legal and medical in nature. Kavalerchik’s passion for the treatment of this pathology was infectious as many in the audience shared their experiences and sought to refer their pelvic pain patients to Bella Physical Therapy located at 39-40 Broadway in Fairlawn, NJ.

As usual, great food and drinks were part of the networking night and both were greatly appreciated, helping maintain a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Laureen Bellini, Dr. Nasiek’s marketing coordinator, prepared a raffle at the end of the meeting, and 3 beautiful autumn candles were raffled to 3 lucky attendees.
The next meeting is expected to be held on Thursday November 18th, from 7-9 PM at the same location. We are extending an invitation to all our friends, contributors, and professional family to participate in our future events. Our guest speaker will be Dr Steven Ugras – orthopedic hand surgeon.


Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

185 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ
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