
What are Venus Viva™ Skin Treatments?

Anna Głowacka, DNP - Medycyna Estetyczna I Physicians, Health, Beauty
July 29, 2021

Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments work with tiny pins that safely deliver heat, via NanoFractional radiofrequency (RF), through the skin’s surface. These microneedles creates thousands of mini-wounds to the dermis, which the body naturally heals.

What are Venus Viva™ Skin Treatments?

This process repairs signs of skin damage visible on the surface of the skin. Since the wounds are so small, the treatment is much better tolerated than traditional CO2 lasers, making Venus Viva procedures relatively painless in comparison.

These procedures are performed by our expert practitioners, and we offer a topical numbing agent to provide comfort for the patient. If you have any concerns about discomfort, please feel free to ask about other options during your free consultation.

Venus Viva is used to treat the following conditions:

• Acne scars, fine wrinkles, and superficial blemishes of the skin
• Pigment irregularities such as sun damage and freckles
• Shallow scars from injuries and surgery
• Hyperpigmentation and rosacea
• Lax skin around the neck, jowls and décolletage
• Rough, uneven skin tone
• Red or brown spots on the skin

Is Venus Viva right for me?

You may benefit if you have acne scars, fine wrinkles, pigment irregularities such as sun damage and freckles or if you have loose skin and desire a tightening and lifting effect. Venus Viva is for anyone who desires a smoother appearance and tightening of their skin.


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