
Mesotherapy - a Natural Supplement Enhancer for Your Skin

Anna Głowacka, DNP - Medycyna Estetyczna I Physicians, Health, Beauty
April 06, 2021

We are a strong supporter of alternative medicine in symbiosis with our top selling and most popular non-surgical options (i.e. Botox and Dermal Filler Injections) to restore and maintain a youthful appearance.

Mesotherapy - a Natural Supplement Enhancer for Your Skin

As we age, the properties and nutrients that once contained in abundance in our epidermal layer begins to decrease and our body begins to naturally catalyze the collagen, which as a collective, once maintained the youthful and plump appearance of the skin.

Mesotherapy acts as a natural supplement enhancer for the skin; just as multivitamin tablets work as safeguards to maintain and balance our health, energy levels, and overall functioning. The properties contained in a single Mesotherapy treatment – administered via a thin needle to the middle epidermal layer – restores the health of the skin by infusing rich nutrients and properties. This procedure essentially delivers the nutrients and natural vitamins that our younger skin once produced naturally via a small needle, and upon injection, the infused natural solution absorbs into the bloodstream and supplies to the targeted area.

The properties contained in a single application of Mesotherapy include rich antioxidants, multivitamins, amino acids, enzymes, along with Hyaluronic acid (The principal ingredient found in Dermal Filler injections). The results of a single Mesothreapy session can be felt instantly and through a succession of multiple treatments (6 to 10), patients see an overall rejuvenated appearance. In fact, Mesotherapy is a recommended form of treatment for premature aging, tired appearance, acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and improvement of stretch marks. Methotherapy can be applied to rejuvenate the skin around the areas of the face, neck, and hands. In other cases, using the right procedure and under the supervision of a medical professional, it can be used as a means of accelerating hair growth and promoting the follicle stimulation of the scalp.

Due to the injectable nature of this procedure, patients may experience mild discomfort, reddening and inflammation of the face post treatment. To alleviate the sensation of pain and discomfort, a numbing cream is initially applied to the area of the skin where the medical professional later administers the injection. Redness, mild irritation, and in rare cases bruising may appear, however, such side effects diminish in a few days.


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