
NY: Save 20% Off with Beauty Bank at NuFace Glow

Anna Głowacka, DNP - Medycyna Estetyczna I Physicians, Health, Beauty
February 19, 2021

We appreciate our client’s loyalty and appreciation. Covid-19 has changed so much in everyone’s lives. We understand change in priorities and often financial difficulties our clients undergo. Thanks to the existence of our amazing Beauty Bank ( BB) we are still able to provide high end aesthetics services that are affordable to our clients. As we all know, it's the regular visits and consistency in treatments that help achieve amazing results.

NY: Save 20% Off with Beauty Bank at NuFace Glow

Beauty Bank membership $99 a month guarantees 20% of all neurotoxins (Botox, Dysport, Xenomin, JEUVEAU) $100 of any filler syringe and 20% packages also special member only pricing for remaining services, In our monthly membership you can pick 1 out of 10 treatments ( facials, aquafacials, microdermasion, chemical peel, IPL-photofacial, teeth whitening, oxygeneo, microneedling, lash lift and tint, microinfusion, price of $99 (treatments at $150 and up and if you don’t use treatment then you literally BANK $99 towards next month.

Get all your fillers, toxins, facial, laser hair removal, microneedling, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, IPL needs for $99 a month!

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Aesthetic Medicine


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