
Dec 2020, Monthly Conference of Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
December 26, 2020

On December 17th Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice, PC and Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, MD held its last monthly conference of 2020 at Royal Warsaw Restaurant. Last week, Dr. Nasiek presented on the New Jersey legal standards regarding medical necessity in relation to his own practices which he made clear meticulously follow the law.

The presentation outlined the following key principles:

First, that NJ law outlines “the reasonableness and necessity of service is a matter to be decided first by the treating provider based on an objectively reasonable belief in the utility of the treatment or diagnostic method based upon the credible and reliable evidence of its medical value”.

Dr. Nasiek indicated that, as a treating provider, he has the overwhelming duty of making sure that his patient’s pain is alleviated. This duty is fulfilled according to his expertise and past experiences, which allows his belief of treatment to be objectively reasonable. Further, NJ law states that, “a PIP carrier has the duty to provide payment for treatment that results in the alleviation of pain” – a statement Dr. Nasiek believes is imperative for successful pain management treatment and allows for complete and thorough care of his patients.

Though still small, and still following the COVID guidelines presented by the state, this final conference was an overwhelming success and a positive and uplifting way to close out the year. Allied Neurology is grateful for the immense amount of support they have found in the legal and medical community this year in the start of their monthly conferences and is looking forward to the new year as a time for exponential growth in the relationships they have cultivated during this challenging time.

The practice looks forward to providing more medical and legal information and education to the community and cannot wait for the increased health and safety regarding COVID to allow the conferences to be just as grand as when they started.

To all it providers and supporters Allied Neurology, Dr. Nasiek, and his staff send the best wishes for Happy Holidays and for Happy and Prosperous New Year, 2021!

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Dariusz Nasiek, MD
Board Certified
Pain Specialist

Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

185 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ
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