
Allied Neurology & Interventional Pain Practice Educational Presentation by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
December 08, 2020

Allied Neurology & Interventional Pain Practice, PC gathered with a small group of attorneys and chiropractors at the Royal Warsaw Restaurant. Attendees were invited by Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, pain management specialist and Dr. Ravi Tikoo MD, board certified neurologist.

Dr. Nasiek presented on the topic of evaluating patients with pain following injuries in accordance to professional treatment protocol New Jersey Care Paths. In summary, patients presenting with pain will be evaluated with MRI only if the pain persists over the time span of 4 weeks. Dr. Nasiek explained that according to guidelines, EMG testing will be done only for those patients with radiating pain. As demonstrated by Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice, PC, close cooperation between neurology and pain management specialists assures the highest quality of medical care. A lively discussion followed with questions and further explanations.

Apart from the educational presentation, the medical and legal community alike enjoyed good food, comradery, and the space to discuss medical legal issues with peers. Responses to the event included the following: “I appreciate your commitment to education and the sincerity you show for all of your colleagues. It is very admirable” and “Thank you very much Dariusz. It was a great event. Lots of fun, delicious food and great new knowledge and information.”

The meeting was held according to the most recent safety guidelines put out by New Jersey and was organized with safety as its highest priority, all in the holiday spirit of sharing information. The great demand and exciting response to Dr. Nasiek’s initiative will allow these monthly legal seminars to be continued. The next meeting is expected to be held on December 17th, Thursday at 7PM at the same place. To all our friends, contributors, and professional family - we are extending a remote invitation to participate in this event by email and phone.

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Dariusz Nasiek, MD
Board Certified
Pain Specialist


Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

185 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ
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