
Attorneys and Chiropractors on Presentation and Networking Event Organized by Dr. Nasiek

Dariusz J. Nasiek, MD - Accident Related Therapy & Pain Management I Physicians, Health, Beauty
November 20, 2020

On Wednesday night, November 18th, Dr. Nasiek and Allied Neurology Interventional Pain Practice, PC held another presentation and networking event at Royal Warsaw sponsored by REDI Diagnostic and represented by Mr. Paul Klein.

Although this was the smallest of all the meetings held thus far, the quality of the event was just as high was when 60+ people attended back in August. Dr. Nasiek presented on “The Evaluation of An Injured Patient”.

Complying with the newly updated COVID rules of only being allowed to gather in groups of ten, nine attorneys and chiropractors were in attendance. During Dr. Nasiek’s presentation, those present learned about the definitions of “medical necessity “as well as “clinically supported”. Additionally, Dr. Nasiek delineated that which constitutes “good practice” and “standards of care”. During his presentation, Dr Nasiek emphasized that his practice follows New Jersey Care Paths to the T (unless the comorbidities or pre-existing conditions are present). A lively discussion followed with questions and further explanations.

During this hard time, there is an overwhelming need for the exchange of valuable and high quality information, as well as the sharing of experiences. Therefore, Allied Neurology’s seminars will continue on biweekly basis for small groups of people in compliance with NJ standards. This way, even though its extent seems minute, good food, great friends, and an even better time and spread of information may be shared amongst a few. The next seminar is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, December 4th, at the same location.

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Dariusz Nasiek, MD
Board Certified
Pain Specialist

Nasiek, Dariusz, MD, Pain Management

Pain Management

185 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ
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