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Book  package of  6 Venus Skin Tightening Body Treatments and Receive  6 FREE EmSculpt sessions.

Venus Freeze™ Legacy is a revolutionary non-surgical and FDA-approved skin tightening treatment that uses radio frequency and multi-pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate collagen. It’s highly effective in circumference, wrinkle, and cellulite reduction.* The pulsed magnetic fields provide the patients with increased oxygen, nutrients, and blood to the skin, giving them a lasting, beautiful glow.

Powered by the (MP)² technology, Venus Freeze™ uses multi-polar radio frequency and magnetic pulsed fields to stimulate the body’s natural healing response, which then causes the formation of new collagen, as well as the production of new elastin fibers. The collagen in the skin contracts, producing tighter skin, and the elastin fibers unravel, making the skin more elastic.


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