
$1,850,000 Settlement in Motor Vehicle Accident, NY - Workers Compensation

Adwokat Wypadkowy - Gregory Spektor & Associates PC - Dzwoń: 888-797-7735 I Attorneys, Lawyers
January 31, 2022

FACTS: Plaintiff, a passenger, was on a lunch break with her co-workers. After eating, Plaintiff’s co-worker drover her back in a vehicle owned by their employer, Flying Foods...

$1,850,000 Settlement in Motor Vehicle Accident, NY - Workers Compensation

As they left the food court, they were T-boned by another car that was exiting the parking lot.

Flying Foods disputed liability and claimed the Plaintiff was prohibited from suing her employer.

We prevailed in a Workers’ Compensation hearing and were allowed to sue the employer as well as the owner and operator of the other vehicle involved. We then retained experts to establish the Plaintiff’s economic loss due to not being able to return to work as well as the need for lifetime medical treatment.

  • Injuries: L5/S1 lumbar spine fusion with arthroscopic knee surgery and hip surgery.
  • Initial Offer: $75k Recovery: Settled pre-trial for $1,850,000.

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