Car and Car Loan Shopping Made Easy at United Poles FCU
United Poles Federal Credit Union I
14 maja, 2019
United Poles FCU - Where People Are Worth More Than Money.
Our competitive low interest car loans make owning the car or SUV of your dreams more affordable.
- Low, fixed interest rates—same starting rates for new and used cars!
- Repayment terms up to 72 months (for loans over $30,000)
- Financing up to 100% (new cars only with GAP Plus protection purchased from the Credit Union)
- Loan payments can be automatically withdrawn from your UPFCU savings or checking account
- Prepayment option - you can always make a larger payment with no prepayment penalties
- Research, compare prices, search dealer inventories and find the perfect vehicle through our partnership with GrooveCar — now with Kelly Blue Book pricing
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United Poles Federal Credit Union
Banki, Unie Kredytowe
Perth Amboy, NJ
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