
Prezydent Komorowski u "Piasta" w Konsulacie...

Piast Meats and Provisions I Sklepy, Dystrybutorzy
20 listopada, 2011

Piast Meats & Provisions catered a delicious evening for the President of Poland and 200 guests - Polish Consulate, NYC - September 22, 2011.

In the evening, President Komorowski and the First Lady, Anna Komorowska, were guests of the Polish Consulate. During a meeting with the Polish-American community, the President bestowed state decorations on 27 distinguished persons.

Last but not least, the final part of the ceremony was the repatriation ceremony of two paintings by Julian Fałat, who had been looted from Poland 67 years ago. Thanks to the concerted efforts of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Home Security Investigations, the artworks could be handed back to their rightful owners – the Republic of Poland.


Piast Meats and Provisions


800 River Drive
Garfield, NJ
tel: Zadzwoń klikając na tel. i powiedz, że dzwonisz z Polonijnej Książki


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