
Neck Treatments - the Most Delicate Areas of Your Body

Anna Głowacka, DNP - Medycyna Estetyczna I Physicians, Health, Beauty
January 19, 2021

When it comes to anti-aging and cosmetic treatment, so many patients fail to address the needs of the skin around their neck. This area often goes ignored, when in actual fact it is one of the most delicate areas and one of the first to succumb to the signs of premature ageing.

Neck Treatments - the Most Delicate Areas of Your Body

As with the skin around your face, the neck is usually under attack from a plethora of external factors that age the skin, alongside the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin from within. Without sufficient skin protection and ageing prevention, this leads to wrinkling and sagging that could have otherwise been avoided, or at least minimised.

Luckily, Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that can help to rejuvenate the skin almost anywhere on the body, especially when used in conjunction with 4-6 other similar treatments for more severe ageing concerns.

Mesotherapy is the perfect solution for patients experiencing the initial signs of ageing on the face and neck. These days, surgery is no longer necessary to achieve significant results from cosmetic treatment, and luckily for you – Mesotherapy is suitable for treating skin all over the body. This treatment enhances the results of other aesthetic procedures, including dermal fillers, Kybella PRP, and more . Small doses of botulin toxins are often also injected in platysmal bands of a neck. In addition neck is always treated with series of RF skin tightening treatments average 4-6.

The skin on your face and neck will be invigorated for a radiant, healthy appearance, with a more even skin tone. The skin in the treated area will also appear tighter and more contoured. You can see some results after just one treatment, but a course of up to 3 treatments at regular intervals is recommended for best results, with a few annual top-up treatments required to maintain the outcome.


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Aesthetic Medicine


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